Order SayYes2Chess

Say Yes 2 Chess. Pawn Diploma.

Illustrated poetry booklet with chess rules and exercises for beginners including test sheet, certificate and online solutions.

ISBN-13 978-3-947482-01-6
Publisher WarumSchach-Verlag
Edition 1. Edition, 2019
Product type Booklet
Number of pages 68
Price €13,00

Why a new chess book for beginners again? - one or the other might ask himself with this title. Aren't there already enough magazines, diplomas and books that introduce children to the art of chess? This is certainly the case and all materials have their strengths and weaknesses. The new booklet "Say Yes To Chess" attracted my attention positively, because it contains beautifully drawn illustrations and all figures and contents of the game are brought closer to the children in rhymes. On the cover pages you will find famous quotes of the world champions on chess and in between the children will be explained why chess is fun. With these new ideas, "Say Yes To Chess" stands out from the other beginner magazines and for me is a real enrichment of the book market. I can well imagine how parents and grandparents can use this booklet to teach their children and grandchildren how to play chess and get them enthusiastic about chess.

Patrick Wiebe ( "Chess in Schools" of the German Chess Youth)